About Us
Festo Didactic is the world-leading equipment and solution provider for technical education. The product and service portfolio offers solutions for rapid learning and retention in the entire spectrum of automation technologies: pneumatics, electropneumatics, hydraulics, electrohydraulics, electronics, electrical and mechanical engineering, sensors, robotics, telecommunications, CNC technology, PLC and fieldbus technology, information technology, electric power and controls, instrumentation and process control, refrigeration and air conditioning, automation and mechatronics, family and consumer sciences, and project-based learning.
Festo Didactic supplies educational institutions and industries with learning factories, laboratory equipment, training programmes, computer-based learning systems, web-based learning systems, simulation training software and modular multimedia educational programs. They qualify people in appropriate learning environments to be sufficiently competent and flexible to immediately start work in production processes and other industrial contexts and to contribute to the productivity of industrial companies.
Lab-Volt and Festo Didactic signed and closed an acquisition agreement on June 20, 2014. Lab-Volt is now conducting business as Festo Didactic, part of the Festo Group. Both product portfolios of Lab-Volt and Festo Didactic will be available for dealers and customers worldwide from one source. Lab-Volt's range of products is referred to as "LabVolt Series".
With production centres in Germany and North America and offices and representatives in over 100 countries worldwide, Festo Didactic is well-equipped to provide solutions and services for international training communities, training centres, schools, universities and companies. Over the past decades, we have completed major projects in Algeria, Bangladesh, Cameroon, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Pakistan, Philippines, South Africa, Thailand, Venezuela and many other countries.
>> Visit the Festo group for more information.
ISO Certification
Reflecting our commitment to high quality standards in product design, development, production, installation, and service, our Canadian manufacturing and distribution facility has received the ISO 9001 certification.
Learning Systems
Festo Didactic brings over 55 years' experience to the table when developing solutions for fast learning and successful retention for the entire spectrum of automation and technology. This expertise and experience puts us in a key position in the market of the future. Demand for training will continue to grow rapidly as economies are changing. And that’s why we have set ourselves the goal of making learning ever more efficient.
From basic training packages and technology-specific courses right through to the planning, control and handling of complex networked CIM systems and complete, fully furnished learning centres – we have created a world of learning for you which is tailored to your personal needs.
Festo Didactic training systems are 100% modular. You can select components to design a program that achieves their instructional goals and achieve the greatest impact within their budget. You can expand the systems flexibly and make investments future-proof without reaching a dead end.
Ergonomics, didactic concepts and design go hand-in-hand at Festo Didactic. Numerous awards underline our commitment.
Technical Training and Consulting
Festo is a global engineering and manufacturing company that maintains its own global training and consulting teams for customers all around the world. Operating in the same economic sector and environment as our customers, we have a level of understanding and insight into your challenges that allows us to meet your needs by providing targeted training and consulting solutions. We are able to deliver our training services around the world in local languages to the high standards that both you and we require.
Our portfolio combines training courses with tailor-made knowledge checks, e-learning programs, integrated systems of hands-on trainers, student manuals, instrumentation, classroom-management software, simulation software, and instructor demonstration materials that are fully compatible electrically, mechanically and educationally.
This unique integration increases the effectiveness of learning, optimizes learning outcomes, and maximizes learning transfer. We can conduct a comprehensive analysis of your staff’s training needs to effectively align the contents and aims of in-house courses with your business objectives. On completion of the analysis, you are presented with a detailed report on your employees’ current knowledge levels and a competence development plan that addresses your key business objectives.