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Electro-Mechanical Training System with Stepper Motor



The Electro-Mechanical Training System with Stepper Motor enables diverse PLC-controlled positioning and motion processes.

Features & Benefits

  • High-torque stepper motor
  • Stepper motor drive programmed by computer using manufacturer software
  • Motion sequences triggered by the inputs and outputs of the PLC
  • Lead screw mechanism
  • Two magnetic limit switches for PLC feedback
  • DC power supply
  • Perforated base to accommodate optional sensors
  • Fault-insertion capability for troubleshooting
  • Optional 100 ppr optical encoder
  • Accepts eight 24 V dc control signals from the PLC
  • Includes job sheets

List of equipment

Qty Description Model Number
1 Stepper Motor DC Power Supply 3206
1 Stepper Motor Drive 3207
1 Stepper Motor Electro-Mechanical Module 3294
1 PLC Applications (Workbook) 85252-2
1 PLC Applications (Workbook (Instructor)) 85252-3


Electro-Mechanical System Using Stepper Motor
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