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Single-Phase Transformer



The Single-Phase Transformer module consists in three discrete windings. Each of them can be used as either a primary or a secondary which increases the number of laboratory applications. Its various taps allow it to be used with many different input and output voltages. Consequently, the single-phase transformer can be used for impedance matching and auto-transformer experimentation. By using multiple modules, students explore transformer phasing, distribution transformers, open and closed delta transformer configurations, delta-wye, wye-delta, wye-wye, and delta-delta connections. Other specialized transformer connections such as Scott (3-phase to 2-phase), 3-phase to 6-phase, and zigzag connections are also possible.

Careful engineering detail has been given to these transformers so that the regulation curves produced by resistive, inductive, and capacitive loads are readily distinguishable. Connections are made through 4-mm jacks.

Single-Phase Transformer (2 kW)
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