Antenna Training and Measuring System
Figure 1. The E-plane and the H-plane patterns are acquired separately. These patterns can be plotted on a polar graph (as shown in figure) or a Cartesian graph (see Figure 2).
Figure 2. E- and H-plane patterns of an helical antenna plotted on a Cartesian coordinate graph.
Figure 3. The acquired E- and H-plane patterns can be displayed simultaneously on a tri-dimensional (3D) display (shown in figure: dipole antenna pattern).
Figure 4. The acquired E- and H-plane patterns can be displayed simultaneously on a tri-dimensional (3D) display (shown in figure: helical antenna pattern).
Figure 5. The E- and H-plane patterns can also be combined to produce a full 3D radiation pattern (shown in figure: dipole antenna pattern).
Folded Dipole Antenna
Slotted-Waveguide Antenna
Antenna Training and Measuring System [PC not included]
The Antenna Training and Measuring System (ATMS) provides teachers and students with training materials for hands-on experimentation on antennas in the 1 GHz and 10 GHz bands. A convenient and powerful antenna measuring system, the ATMS can also be utilized by design and research teams.
The complete Antenna Training and Measuring System includes a set of 1 GHz antennas, a set of 10 GHz antennas, an RF Generator, a receiving system, and the Data Acquisition and Management Software for Antennas (LVDAM-ANT), a user-friendly software operating under the Microsoft® Windows™ environment. The receiving system consists of a rotating Antenna Positioner linked to a Data Acquisition Interface connected to the USB port of a personal computer.
Features & Benefits
- Convenient and powerful antenna measuring system that can also be utilized by design and research teams
- Stand-alone system requiring no other microwave equipment
- Provides system-level, hands-on experimentation on antennas in the 1-GHz and 10-GHz bands in the classroom
- Rugged, high-quality components designed for hands-on training purposes
- Convenient and powerful antenna measuring system that can also be utilized by design and research teams
- Meets a variety of needs and budgets because of options
- Does not require an anechoic chamber
- Devices and components fabricated from electroless-plated brass to standard X-band waveguide dimensions
- Waveguide flanges are joined by precision quick fasteners, allowing rapid assembly and disassembly of microwave circuits
- Estimated program duration: 45 hours
Topic Coverage
- Basic Antenna Measurements
- Experimentation with Different Antenna Types
- Microstrip and Array Antennas
List of equipment
Qty | Description | Model Number |
1 | RF Generator | 9505-1 |
1 | Antenna Positioner | 9506 |
1 | Data Acquisition Interface / Power Supply | 9507-3 |
1 | Horn Antenna, Small Aperture | 9535-A |
2 | Horn Antenna, Large Aperture | 9550 |
2 | Helical Antenna, Right-Hand Circular Polarization | 9551 |
1 | Helical Antenna, Left-Hand Circular Polarization | 9552 |
1 | Patch Antennas | 9553 |
1 | Slotted-Waveguide Antenna | 9554 |
1 | Open-Ended Waveguide Antenna | 9555 |
1 | Yagi Antenna | 9560 |
1 | Wire Antennas | 9561 |
1 | Cables and Accessories | 9594-1 |
1 | Waveguide Accessories | 9594-A |
1 | Antenna Support | 9595 |
1 | Storage Module | 9598 |
1 | IEC Power Cable, straight - NEMA (Type B) | 95451 |
1 | Antenna Fundamentals (Workbook) | 30857 |
1 | Antenna Fundamentals (Workbook (Instructor)) | 30857-1 |
1 | Data Acquisition and Management Software (User Guide) | 30857-E |