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Three-Phase Wound-Rotor Induction Machine (DFIG)



The Three-Phase Wound-Rotor Induction Machine is an induction machine with a wound rotor mounted in a full-size EMS module. The module front panel is hinged and can be lowered for access to the machine. When closed, it is secured by quick-lock fasteners. A geared pulley is fitted to the shaft of the Three-Phase Wound-Rotor Induction Machine to allow mechanical coupling of two machines using a non-slip belt.

This model is to be used as a doubly-fed induction generator as it has a higher turn ratio on the rotor.

This model has a higher turn ratio on the rotor, to be used as a DFIG. There is another version that has a 2:1 turn ratio on the rotor, which is optimized for using with a rotor rheostat.

Three-Phase Wound-Rotor Machine
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