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Reduced Voltage Primary Resistor Starter



The Reduced Voltage Primary Resistor Starter, Model 8661, is a motor starter that limits the current flowing in the motor at start-up by inserting series resistors in the stator windings circuit. The module is designed to allow the soft start of the Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor, Model 8221, and the Three-Phase Wound-Rotor Induction Motor, Model 8231. The Reduced Voltage Primary Resistor Starter includes two contactors, a variable overload relay, a time-delay relay, three resistors, a Start/Stop push-button and two LEDs to indicate when voltage is applied to the module and when the motor is started. It is an optional model. No courseware is available.

The 0.2 kW Motor Starters are mounted in half-size modules. Standard industrial motor control components are interconnected and terminated on the module faceplate by 4-m color-coded safety sockets to provide a completely functional motor control appropriate for use with the 0.2 kW Electromechanical Systems (EMS) machines.

These control components are all mounted inside the module to allow complete visual inspection of each devise and its wiring. When students complete the instructional program in “Control of Industrial Motors” they should be prepared to understand not only the reason why a motor control is needed, but they should also be able to recognize each component of the completed starter and understand its function.

Reduced Voltage Primary Resistor Starter
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