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Synchronous Motor Starter



The Synchronous Motor Starter is designed to start the Three-Phase Synchronous Motor/Generator directly from the ac power network. The module consists of a three-pole magnetic contactor and a built-in dc power source which applies dc voltage to the field winding when the rotor speed reaches approximately 90% of the machine synchronous speed. A pilot lamp indicates that the motor is synchronized with the ac power network when dc voltage is applied to the machine. Industrial push-button controls are mounted on the front panel of the module. The I button must be depressed and held until the Motor Synchronized indicator lights up (releasing the I push-button before the machine is synchronized prevents three-phase ac current from flowing into the synchronous machine). The Synchronous Motor Starter contains an overload protection to prevent damage to the machine. Connections are made through 4 mm color-coded jacks.

Synchronous Motor Starter
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