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Power Generator



The Grid-Tie Power generator (optional for model 46122) enables the connection of the induction generator from the trainer to the grid and returns power proportional to the wind simulation in the system. The Grid-Tie Power generator option contains a soft-starter, an overload, switchable compensation capacitors, and a power meter which allows the user to monitor several parameters of the power sent back to the grid (VAR, W, VA, Power Factor , etc.).

List of equipment

Qty Description
2 Steel Flat Washer 0.500" 22026
6 Tooth Lockwasher K-Lock Hexagonal Nut 832 22031
26 Tooth Lockwasher K-Lock Hexagonal Nut 1032 22032
3 Round-Head Phillips Machine Screw 832 0.375" 22628
26 Round-Head Phillips Machine Screw 1032 0.375" 22726

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