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Mechanical Drives Training System, SI Units – Level 4 (add-on)



This package introduces clutches for various operating conditions along with their proper installation procedures. And the topic ball screws and linear bearings introduces the main components and proper assembly steps of a linear slide.

Several industrial applications, such as some conveyors, may require a load to be engaged/disengaged or braked while the motor keeps running. Other applications require the torque to be limited to protect mechanical equipment from overload caused by shock loads or machine jamming. The topic Clutches and brakes introduces those aspects and presents clutches for various operating conditions along with their proper installation procedures.

In modern industry, ball screws and linear bearings are commonly used to transform rotational movement into linear movement, and vice versa. Typical applications include many types of machine tools, such as CNC mills and drills. The topic Ball screws and linear bearings introduces the main components and proper assembly steps of a linear slide. Essential concepts of maintenance and lubrication of linear bearings, ball screws, and ball nuts are also covered.

The manuals of the Level 4 package guide the students step-by-step during their learning process with several photos and illustrations. The main hardware is stored on panels for quick identification and inventory control.

Topic Coverage

  • Identify and install a freewheel clutch in a chain drive
  • Identify, assemble and install a torque limiter in a chain drive
  • Install an electromagnetic clutches/brake unit in a chain drive and test its different operating modes
  • Assemble a linear slide using ball nuts and ball screws
  • Measure backlash and determine start, pitch and lead of a ball screw

List of equipment

Qty Description Model Number
1 Clutches and Brakes 46888
1 Ball screw drives and linear bearings 46889
1 Electromagnetic Clutch-Brake Unit (SI) 46893
1 Clutches and brakes (Workbook (Instructor)) 49349-3
1 Ball Screws and Linear Bearings (Workbook (Instructor)) 49350-3
1 Ball Screws and Linear Bearings (Workbook (Instructor)) 49350-3

Additional equipment required to perform the exercises (Purchased separately)

Qty Description Model Number
1 Clutches and brakes (Job Sheets - Student) 49349-2
1 Ball Screws and Linear Bearings (Job Sheets - Student) 49350-2

Ball screw assembly
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Torque limiter assembly
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Clutches and brakes components
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Ball screws and linear bearings components
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