Power Thyristors
The Power Thyristors module is one of the Power Electronics Devices that can be added to the 2 kW Electromechanical Training System to allow training in power electronics. The Power Electronics Devices are used to filter and convert electrical power flowing in electric circuits. They come as half-size EMS modules equipped with a steel front panel. Internal electrical components are identified on the module front panel by silkscreened symbols.
This module consists of six power thyristors (SCRs) mounted in a half-size EMS enclosure. Each individual thyristor is protected against overcurrents and short-circuits. All the anodes and cathodes of the thyristors are terminated on the front panel by color-coded, 4 mm safety banana jacks. To reduce the number of external connections, the most typical thyristor configurations can be achieved through the use of two toggle switches on the front panel. A firing control section allows six 0-5 V pulse signals from either the Data Acquisition and Control Interface, Model 9063, the Thyristor Firing Unit, Model 9030, or any compatible 0-5 V control unit, to be applied to the gating circuits of the thyristors. The signals are input in the Power Thyristors module through a 9 pin connector. Six miniature banana jacks in this section are used as test points to monitor the firing control signals using an oscilloscope. They can also be used to inject 0-5 V pulse signals from an alternate firing unit, as well as to inhibit each gating circuit. The Power Thyristors module also includes a synchronization output to trigger an oscilloscope when observing the firing control signals as well as a firing control disable input that prevents all six power thyristors from being fired.