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Communications Technologies Training Systems



The Communications Technologies Training Systems are specifically designed for hands-on training in a wide range of communication technologies. Training starts from the basic pulse modulation techniques (PAM, PWM, PPM, PCM, DPCM, and delta modulation), covers the various digital modulation schemes used in data transmission (ASK, FSK, BPSK, QPSK, and QAM), and extends to modern, spectrally efficient, digital communication techniques such as the asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) and spread spectrum technologies (direct-sequence spread spectrum and frequency-hopping spread spectrum).

The courseware consists of a series of student manuals covering the different technologies, as well as instructor guides that provide the answers to procedure step questions and review questions. The training systems and the accompanying courseware provide a complete study program.

Features & Benefits

  • Provides hands-on, system-level training in communications technologies
  • Real system and real frequencies, not simulations, reflecting the standards commonly used in modern communications systems
  • Flexible, open system using a high performance DSP-based Reconfigurable Training Module (RTM)
  • A variety of communications technology applications allow studying many different communications technologies
  • Comprehensive courseware provides theory and step-by-step laboratory procedures for each technology
  • Fault-insertion capability allows the teaching of troubleshooting
  • MATLAB® Import/Export in ADSL applications
  • Short-circuit-proof, low-power for safety and compatibility
  • Front-panel access to signals
  • Windows-based Communications Technologies (LVCT) software provides the user interface and configures the RTM to implement the communications technology selected by the user

Topic Coverage

  • Pulse Modulation and Sampling (PAM / PWM / PPM)
  • Digital Modulation (PCM / DPCM / Delta)
  • Basic Modems and Data Transmission (ASK / FSK / BPSK)
  • Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK / DQPSK)
  • Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM / DQAM)
  • Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL)
  • Spread Spectrum (DSSS/FHSS/CDMA)
  • Troubleshooting

Additional equipment required to perform the exercises (Purchased separately)

Qty Description System Number
1 Communications Technologies Host Computer 9695-A


The RTM Connections diagram identifies the RTM inputs and outputs and shows the external connections.
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The System Diagram shows the overall system and interconnections for the selected application.
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Circuit diagrams show the functional blocks of each circuit. Pan and Zoom functions allow easy navigation.
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Settings tables provide full control of operating parameters.
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The virtual Oscilloscope allows observation and measurement of analog and digital signals.
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Probes can be dragged from the Probes bar and connected to circuit Test Points (TPs) in order to observe signals using the virtual instruments.
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In the X-Y mode, the Oscilloscope can display the signal constellation, such as this 16-QAM constellation.
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The Logic Analyzer records and displays digital data from multiple test points.
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The Constellation Viewer in the ADSL application displays complex signal constellations.
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The Spectrum Analyzer displays frequency spectra, such as this spectrum of an ADSL signal.
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The True RMS Voltmeter displays signal levels in volts or dBm.
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The system is highly configurable. This dialog box allows changing the polynomial used for the ADSL Reed-Solomon Encoder and Decoder.
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The data at some Data Points can be edited, saved in a MATLAB®-compatible file, or loaded from a file.
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Data Points are provided where digital data is present in a circuit. Double-clicking a Data Point opens a table displaying the data as decimal or hexadecimal values.
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The ADSL application performs constellation encoding with or without Trellis Coding and allows modifying the number of bits allocated to each tone (subcarrier).
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Communications Technologies Training Systems
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On start-up, the user selects a communications technology application to be studied.
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Note: A separate copy of the LVCT software and of each desired application package must be purchased for each RTM. One copy of the User Guide is included with the LVCT software. Every application package includes one copy of each of the associated manuals.
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