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Three-Phase Separator Learning System - Basic Pneumatic Control Separator



The Three‐Phase Separator learning System demonstrates the fundamentals of oil separation when processing crude oil. Crude oil is a mixture of oil, water, and hydrocarbon gas, that must be separated before oil can be sent to a refinery. Accurate measurement of the gas and oil ratio is also essential, as it directly impacts production.

The Three-Phase Separator demonstrates the fundamentals of oil separation, such as the effect of gravity, the effect of layer thickness, viscosity, retention time, density difference, vessel pressure, and oil/water/gas ratio. It features the similar components and instrumentation that is used in the oil and gas industry. It also replicates similar operational behavior to the ones that are used in the industry.

The Three-Phase Separator offers two different configurations: Basic Pneumatic Control, for training operation personal; and Three-Phase Separator Learning System with Instrumentation, including smart Instrumentation for training instrumentation technician as well as engineers. It is also possible to start with a this system and then add the Learning System Instrumentation Add-on to make it a Complete Solution.

The Three-Phase Separator operates as an industrial production separator with basic level pneumatic controllers, or with instrumentation for crude oil characterization. It is part of the LabVolt Series for Process Control family, offering high quality, modular industrial instrumentation and process control training solutions, supported by unique pedagogical content.

The Three-Phase Separator is part of our oil and gas training program that naturally fit the requirements to quality technicians and engineers.

It is possible to visit our virtual showroom that present a layout of the most popular learning systems at the following address:

List of equipment

Qty Description Model Number
1 Back Pressure Valve 8093315
1 Pneumatic Float Level Controller 8093414
1 Pneumatic Displacer Level Controller 8093416
1 Three-Phase Separator Workstation 8093508
1 Safety Pressure Valve 8093631
2 Pneumatic Control Valve 46950-F
1 Three-Phase Separator – Basic Control (Workbook (Instructor)) 80978-8
1 Three-Phase Separator Learning System (User Guide) 8167643

Additional equipment required to perform the exercises (Purchased separately)

Qty Description Model Number
1 Three-Phase Separator – Basic Control (Workbook) 80978-8

Shown with optional equipment
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