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Power Factor Correction Training System



The Power Factor Correction Training System familiarizes the student with the reasons for correcting the power factor in industrial applications, as well as with the different means to do so. The training system begins by discussing the problematic of having a low power factor in industrial applications, for both the electrical power provider and the customer. It then covers how power factor correction is usually implemented in industrial applications with variable inductive loads (e.g., induction motors that start and stop). The training system also introduces students to the two main types of power factor correction available: plant-wide and distributed. Finally, the principles of power factor correction are applied to both single-phase and three-phase ac power circuits.

Features & Benefits

  • Self-learning curriculum complete with the necessary theory and hands-on experiments
  • Totally safe and sturdy working environment with a complete and automatic grounding of all components
  • Top-of-the-line data acquisition measuring tools designed to enhance the learning approach and reduce setup time

Topic Coverage

  • Problem of low power factor in an industrial application
  • Correcting the power factor using banks of switched capacitors
  • Plant-wide power factor correction
  • Distributed power factor correction

List of equipment

Qty Description Model Number
1 Power Factor Correction Capacitor Banks 3788
1 Power Factor Controller 3789
1 Tabletop Workstation 8134-2
1 Four-Pole Squirrel Cage Motor 8221-2
1 Resistive Load 8311
1 Inductive Load 8321
1 Capacitive Load 8331
1 Three-Phase Power Supply 8823
1 Timing Belt 8942
1 Connection Lead Set 8951-L
1 Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply with Manual and Computer-Based Control 8960-C
1 Data Acquisition and Control Interface 9063-B
1 AC 24 V Wall Mount Power Supply 30004-2
1 Power Factor Correction (Workbook) 20116
1 Power Factor Correction (Workbook (Instructor)) 20116-1
1 Electric Power Technology Training Equipment (User Guide) 38486-E
1 Computer-Based Instruments for EMS (User Guide) 86718-E
1 Automatic Power Factor Correction Systems (Workbook (Instructor)) 8116928
1 Automatic Power Factor Correction Systems (Workbook) 8116930


Qty Description Model Number
1 SCADA for LVDAC-EMS 8973
1 Software Development Kit (SDK) 9069-9


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