Electric Power Technology Training Systems

The production of energy using renewable natural resources such as wind, sunlight, rain, tides, geothermal heat, etc., has gained much importance in recent years as it is an effective means of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The need for innovative technologies to make the grid smarter has recently emerged as a major trend as the increase in electrical power demand observed worldwide makes it harder for the actual grid in many countries to keep up with demand. Furthermore, electric vehicles, from bicycles to cars, are developed and marketed with more and more success in many countries all over the world.
The Electric Power Technology Training Program was developed to answer the increasingly diversified needs for training in the wide field of electrical energy. It is a modular study program for technical institutes, colleges, and universities.
The program starts with a variety of courses providing in-depth coverage of basic topics related to the field of electrical energy such as ac and dc power circuits, power transformers, rotating machines, ac power transmission lines, industrial controls, and power electronics. These basic courses incorporate most of the subject matter covered in other well established training systems such as the Electromechanical Training System, Model 8006, Power Electronics Training System, Model 8032, Industrial Controls Training Systems, Series 8036, and Power Transmission Training System, Model 8055, as well as many new topics related to recent technologies.
The program then builds on the knowledge gained by the student through these basic courses to provide training in more advanced subjects such as home energy production from renewable resources (wind and sunlight), large-scale electricity production from hydropower, large-scale electricity production from wind power (doubly-fed induction generator [DFIG], synchronous generator, and asynchronous generator technologies), smart-grid technologies (SVC, STATCOM, HVDC transmission, etc.), storage of electrical energy in batteries, and drive systems for small electric vehicles and cars.
List of equipment
Description | System Number |
DC and AC Power Circuits Training System | 8010-1 |
Solar Power Training System | 8010-2 |
Small-Scale Wind Power Electricity Generation Training System | 8010-3 |
Lead-Acid Batteries Training System | 8010-4 |
Basic Renewable Energy Training System | 8010-5 |
DC Power Electronics Training System | 8010-6 |
Home Energy Production Training System | 8010-7 |
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Training System | 8010-8 |
Electromechanical Training System | 8010-9 |
Power Electronics Training System | 8010-A |
AC Power Transmission Training System | 8010-B |
Smart Grid Technologies Training System | 8010-C |
DFIG Principles Training System | 8010-D |
Power Transmission Smart Grid Technologies Training System | 8010-E |
Smart Grid Training System | 8010-F |
Electric Power Generation Training System | 8010-G |
BLDC Motors and Vector Control PMSM Drives Training System | 8010-J |
Electric Power Substations Training System | 8010-K |
Numerical Protective Relays Training System | 8010-L |
- Flyer_EMS Program Flowchart_EN (US letter) DID1254 (screen).pdf
- Flyer_EMS Program Flowchart_FR DID1254 (screen).pdf
- Power Grid Modernization Intro Guide for Educators - DID1255 FR.pdf
- Mining Industry Technology Brochure
- Table of Contents - Sell Sheet (en)
- AC Transmission Lines - Courseware Sample (en)
- BLDC Motors and Vector Control PMSM Drives - Courseware Sample (en)
- DC Motor Drives - Courseware Sample (en)
- DC Power Circuits - Sell Sheet (en)
- Directional Protection - Courseware Sample (en)
- High-Frequency Power Transformers - Courseware Sample (en)
- Home Energy Production - Courseware Sample (en)
- Hydropower Electricity Generation - Courseware Sample (en)
- Introduction to Wind Power - Courseware Sample (en)
- Introduction to Wind Power - Sell Sheet (en)
- Lead-Acid Batteries - Sell Sheet (en)
- Overcurrent and Overload Protection Using Protective Relays - Courseware Sample (en)
- Permanent Magnet DC Motor - Courseware Sample (en)
- Power Factor Correction - Courseware Sample (en)
- Principles of Doubly-Fed Induction Generators (DFIG) - Courseware Sample (en)
- Single-Phase AC Power Circuits - Courseware Sample (en)
- Single-Phase AC Power Circuits - Sell Sheet (en)
- Single-Phase AC Power Circuits - Courseware Sample (en)
- Single-Phase Power Transformers - Courseware Sample (en)
- Smart Grid - Courseware Sample (en)
- Solar Power - Courseware Sample (en)
- Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) - Courseware Sample (en)
- Static Var Compensator (SVC) - Sell Sheet (en)
- Three-Phase AC Power Circuits - Sell Sheet (en)
- Three-Phase AC Power Electronics - Sell Sheet (en)
- Three-Phase Motor Drives - Courseware Sample (en)
- Three-Phase PWM Rectifier/Inverter - Courseware Sample (en)
- Three-Phase Rotating Machines - Courseware Sample (en)
- Three-Phase Transformer Banks - Courseware Sample (en)
- Three-Phase Wound-Rotor Induction Machines - Courseware Sample (en)
- Thyristor Power Electronics - Courseware Sample (en)
- Wind Power Systems - Courseware Sample (en)
- LabVolt Series - Brochure (en)
- Flyer_EMS Program Flowchart_EN (A4) DID1254 (screen).pdf
- Brochure produit - EMS 8010.pdf
- DID1261 - EMS classic smart grid flyer - 20210513 - EN (screen).pdf
- DID1261 - EMS classic smart grid flyer - 20210513 - FR (screen).pdf
- Flyer_EMS Program Flowchart_ES DID1254 (screen).pdf
- Power Grid Modernization Intro Guide for Educators - DID1255 EN.pdf
- Power Grid Modernization Intro Guide for Educators - DID1255 ES.pdf
- Wind Turbine Technology Brochure
- AC Transmission Lines - Courseware Sample (en)
- AC Transmission Lines - Sell Sheet (en)
- Conventional DC Machines and Universal Motor - Courseware Sample (en)
- DC Power Circuits - Courseware Sample (en)
- DC Power Electronics - Courseware Sample (en)
- DC Power Electronics - Sell Sheet (en)
- High-Frequency Power Transformers - Sell Sheet (en)
- HVDC Transmission Systems - Courseware Sample (en)
- Introduction to Electric Power Substations - Courseware Sample (en)
- Introduction to Wind Power - Courseware Sample (en)
- Lead-Acid Batteries - Courseware Sample (en)
- Ni-MH Batteries - Courseware Sample (en)
- Ni-MH Batteries - Sell Sheet (en)
- Permanent Magnet DC Motor - Sell Sheet (en)
- Photovoltaic Systems - Courseware Sample (en)
- Principles of Doubly-Fed Induction Generators (DFIG) - Sell Sheet (en)
- Single-Phase AC Power Electronics - Courseware Sample (en)
- Single-Phase AC Power Electronics - Sell Sheet (en)
- Single-Phase Power Transformers - Courseware Sample (en)
- Single-Phase Power Transformers - Sell Sheet (en)
- Solar Power - Courseware Sample (en)
- Solar Power (Photovoltaic) - Sell Sheet (en)
- Static Var Compensator (SVC) - Courseware Sample (en)
- Three-Phase AC Power Circuits - Courseware Sample (en)
- Three-Phase AC Power Electronics - Courseware Sample (en)
- Three-Phase Induction Motor Starters - Courseware Sample (en)
- Three-Phase Motor Drives - Sell Sheet (en)
- Three-Phase PWM Rectifier/Inverter - Sell Sheet (en)
- Three-Phase Rotating Machines - Sell Sheet (en)
- Three-Phase Transformer Banks - Sell Sheet (en)
- Three-Phase Wound-Rotor Induction Machines - Sell Sheet (en)
- Thyristor Power Electronics - Sell Sheet (en)
- TCNJ-case_study-schematics
- Building Tomorrow's Workforce - Innovative Technical Education Solutions - Brochure (en)
- Product brochure - EMS 8010.pdf
- Folleto del producto - EMS 8010.pdf
- A custom smart grid lab on a budget at TCNJ (article).pdf
- DID1261 - EMS classic smart grid flyer - 20210513 - ES.pdf