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Pressure, Flow, and Level Process Control Training System



The Pressure, Flow, and Level Process Control Training System is a cost-effective alternative to systems using industrial grade components. It meets the training requirements of instructors wishing to teach process control fundamentals in any vocational school or college.

The training system demonstrates PID (proportional, integral, derivative) control of flow, pressure, and level processes. The workstation can be configured to accommodate a wide variety of space and teaching needs with different benches, work surfaces, and optional equipment. The equipment has several switches to enable instructors to insert faults in the system for real-world troubleshooting.

Topic Coverage

  • Pressure, Flow and Lebel Process Control
  • Estimated program duration: 50 hours

List of equipment

Qty Description Model Number
1 Work Surface (Stainless Steel) 6301-A
1 Expanding Work Surface (Large) 6302
1 DC Power Supply 6360-A
1 Multimeter 6394-A
1 Pumping Unit 6510-2
1 Column 6511
2 Hand-Operated Two-Way Valve 6520
1 Solenoid-Operated Two-Way Valve 6521
1 Pressure Transmitter 6540
1 Paddle Wheel Flow Transmitter 6542
1 Rotameter 6550
1 Venturi Tube 6551
1 Orifice Plate 6552
2 6553-1
1 Float Switch 6570
1 Hose Set and Accessory Kit 6590
1 I/O Interface with LVProSim 9065-B
1 Pressure, Flow, and Level Processes (Workbook) 80897-6
1 Pressure, Flow, and Level Processes (Workbook (Instructor)) 80897-6


Pressure, Flow, and Level Process Control
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