Home Energy Production Training System
The Home Energy Production Training System combines a modular design approach with computer-based data acquisition and control to provide unrivaled training in home energy production systems. The system features the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply and the Data Acquisition and Control Interface, two state-of-the-art USB peripherals that greatly enhance the learning experience of students.
Training begins with the following four courses:
- DC Power Circuits
- Lead-Acid Batteries
- Solar Power
- Introduction to Wind Power
These courses introduce students to the fundamentals of dc power circuits, to the storage of electrical energy in lead-acid batteries, and to the generation of electrical energy from wind and sunlight, the two renewable resources most commonly used for home energy production. Training continues with the following two courses dealing with ac power:
- Single-Phase AC Power Circuits
- Single-Phase Power Transformers
These courses teach students the fundamentals of ac power circuits and power transformers, and are necessary to understand the principles of grid-tied home energy production. Students then continue with the following three courses:
- DC Power Electronics
- Single-Phase AC Power Electronics
- High-Frequency Power Transformers
These courses familiarize students with the different power electronics devices used for home energy production, such as choppers, inverters, dc-to-dc converters, and high-frequency power transformers. After completion of the above courses, students finally possess all knowledge required to proceed with the main course of the training system:
- Home Energy Production
This course familiarizes students with the fundamentals of home energy production. It integrates all the different notions which students have acquired in the previous courses to cover both stand-alone home energy production and grid-tied home energy production. The course also explains and demonstrates how home energy production is an important contributor to the implementation of a smart grid, a concept of ever growing importance in today's electric power networks.
The Home Energy Production Training System is part of the Electric Power Technology Training Systems, Series 8010. Each training system in Series 8010 is based on the Electric Power Technology Training Program and provides a turn-key solution dealing with some aspects of the wide field of electrical energy. The exhaustive courseware provided with each training system covers all the theory required to perform the laboratory exercises, while review questions and unit tests allow students to test the knowledge they have gained.
The Electric Power Technology Training Program is highly modular in both courseware and hardware. Because of this, courses and equipment from the program are available as required, either individually or in the context of a specific training system. The program covers several different subjects in the field of electrical energy, such as rotating machines, electrical power transmission, power electronics, home energy production from renewable resources (wind and sunlight), large-scale electricity production from hydropower and wind power, smart-grid technologies (SVC, STATCOM, HVDC transmission, etc.), storage of electrical energy in batteries, and drive systems for small electric vehicles and cars.
Features & Benefits
- The training system teaches the principles of home energy production directly in the laboratory. To this end, students follow a complete curriculum that includes these topics:
- An introduction to the fundamentals of electricity, beginning with dc power circuits.
- Courses that cover the principles of electricity generation from renewable energy sources (solar power and wind power), as well as its subsequent storage in lead-acid batteries.
- More advanced courses that cover different electrical concepts and necessary to home energy production, such as dc power electronics, single-phase ac power circuits, and high-frequency power transformers.
- A comprehensive course covering in detail the production of energy at home from renewable resources.
- The course curriculum of the Electric Power Technology Training Program is highly flexible and allows a multitude of different customized training solutions.
- The courseware includes student manuals and instructor guides with all the theory required to perform the hands-on experiments.
- All workstations, modules, and components are very sturdy to ensure a prolonged service life in a demanding environment such as a training laboratory.
- The modular design approach of the training equipment allows a large variety of courses to be performed using a small number of modules, without unnecessary duplication of equipment.
- All electrical components can be interconnected without electric shock hazard since all live parts of the connection leads are concealed and insulated.
- All electrical symbols representing the components used in a laboratory exercise are clearly silk-screened on the front panel of the modules.
- The training system includes two highly versatile USB peripherals:
- Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply, Model 8960-2. This module is used as a dc and ac power source. It can also be used as a battery charger/discharger, a solar panel emulator, and a wind emulator, all with a large variety of configurable parameters.
- Data Acquisition and Control Interface, Model 9063. This module gives access to a large variety of computer-based measuring instruments and is used to control the various dc power electronics devices necessary to home energy production. All functions are implemented via the LVDAC-EMS software.
- The training system also includes three highly versatile power electronics modules controlled using the Data Acquisition and Control Interface:
- Insulated DC-to-DC Converter, Model 8835. This module is used to implement a solar/wind power inverter with HF transformer topology.
- IGBT Chopper/Inverter, Model 8837-B. This module is used to implement various types of choppers and inverters.
- Rectifier and Filtering Capacitors, Model 8842-A. This module is used to implement various types of power diode rectifiers.
- Software upgrades for LVDAC-EMS and firmware upgrades for the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply and Data Acquisition and Control Interface are available for download free of charge on the Festo Didactic website.
Topic Coverage
- Voltage, Current, and Ohm's Law
- Equivalent Resistance
- Power in DC Circuits
- Series and Parallel Circuits
- Battery Fundamentals
- Discharge Characteristics
- Battery Charging Fundamentals
- Battery Charging Methods
- The Diode
- The Solar Panel (Photovoltaic Panel)
- Effect of Temperature on Solar Panel Performance
- Storing Energy from Solar Panels into Batteries
- Effect of Shading on Solar Panel Operation
- Solar Panel Orientation (optional)
- Solar Panel Performance versus Insolation (optional)
- Voltage-Speed Characteristic of a Wind Turbine Generator
- Torque-Current Characteristic of a Wind Turbine Generator
- Power versus Wind Speed
- Storing the Energy Produced by a Wind Turbine into Batteries
- The Diode and Switching Transistor
- The Buck Chopper
- Introduction to High-Speed Power Switching
- Ripple in Choppers
- The Lead-Acid Battery Charger
- The Boost Chopper
- The Buck/Boost Chopper
- The Four-Quadrant Chopper
- The Sine Wave
- Phase Angle and Phase Shift
- Instantaneous Power and Average Power
- Inductive Reactance
- Capacitive Reactance
- Impedance
- Active and Reactive Power
- Apparent Power and the Power Triangle
- Solving Simple AC Circuits using Circuit Impedance Calculation
- Solving AC Circuits Using the Power Triangle Method
- Voltage and Current Ratios
- Transformer Winding Polarity and Interconnection
- Transformer Losses, Efficiency, and Regulation
- Transformer Rating
- Effect of Frequency on Transformer Rating
- The Autotransformer
- Power Diode Single-Phase Rectifiers
- The Single-Phase PWM Inverter
- High-Frequency Power Transformer Operation
- Stand-Alone Home Energy Production
- The Single-Phase Grid-Tied Inverter (PWM Rectifier/Inverter)
- Grid-Tied Home Energy Production Using a Solar or Wind Power Inverter without DC-to-DC Converter
- Grid-Tied Home Energy Production Using a Solar or Wind Power Inverter with DC-to-DC Converter
- Large-Scale Energy Storage: A Step in the Implementation of the Smart Grid
List of equipment
Qty | Description | Model Number |
1 | Tabletop Workstation | 8134-2 |
1 | Wind Turbine Generator/Controller | 8216 |
1 | Resistive Load | 8311 |
1 | Inductive Load | 8321 |
1 | Filtering Inductors/Capacitors | 8325-A |
1 | Capacitive Load | 8331 |
1 | Transformer | 8353 |
1 | AC Power Network Interface | 8622 |
1 | Lead-Acid Batteries | 8801 |
1 | Lead-Acid Battery Pack | 8802-1 |
1 | Solar Panel Test Bench | 8805 |
1 | Monocrystalline Silicon Solar Panel | 8806 |
1 | IGBT Chopper/Inverter | 8837-B |
1 | Rectifier and Filtering Capacitors | 8842-A |
1 | Timing Belt | 8942 |
1 | Connection Lead Set | 8951-L |
1 | Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply | 8960-F |
1 | Data Acquisition and Control Interface | 9063-E |
1 | AC 24 V Wall Mount Power Supply | 30004-2 |
1 | DC Power Circuits (Workbook) | 86350 |
1 | DC Power Circuits (Workbook (Instructor)) | 86350-1 |
1 | Lead-Acid Batteries (Workbook) | 86351 |
1 | Lead-Acid Batteries (Workbook (Instructor)) | 86351-1 |
1 | Solar Power (Workbook) | 86352 |
1 | Solar Power (Workbook (Instructor)) | 86352-1 |
1 | Introduction to Wind Power (Workbook) | 86353 |
1 | Introduction to Wind Power (Workbook (Instructor)) | 86353-1 |
1 | DC Power Electronics (Workbook) | 86356 |
1 | DC Power Electronics (Workbook (Instructor)) | 86356-1 |
1 | Single-Phase AC Power Circuits (Workbook) | 86358 |
1 | Single-Phase AC Power Circuits (Workbook (Instructor)) | 86358-1 |
1 | Single-Phase AC Power Electronics (Workbook) | 86359 |
1 | Single-Phase AC Power Electronics (Workbook (Instructor)) | 86359-1 |
1 | Home Energy Production (Workbook) | 86361 |
1 | Home Energy Production (Workbook (Instructor)) | 86361-1 |
1 | Single-Phase Power Transformers (Workbook) | 86377 |
1 | Single-Phase Power Transformers (Workbook (Instructor)) | 86377-1 |
1 | Electric Power Technology Training Equipment (User Guide) | 38486-E |
1 | Computer-Based Instruments for EMS (User Guide) | 86718-E |
Additional equipment required to perform the exercises (Purchased separately)
Qty | Description | Model Number |
1 | Digital Multimeter | 8946-2 |
1 | Heavy-Duty Tripod | 40208-1 |
Qty | Description | Model Number |
1 | Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM®-EMS) - 1 User Online, 1 year | 8972 |
1 | Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM®-EMS) - 5 Users Online, 1 year | 8972-A |
1 | Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM®-EMS) - 10 Users Online, 1 year | 8972-B |
1 | Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM®-EMS) - 15 Users Online, 1 year | 8972-C |
1 | Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM®-EMS) - 20 Users Online, 1 year | 8972-D |
1 | Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM®-EMS) - 25 Users Online, 1 year | 8972-E |
1 | Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM®-EMS) - 30 Users Online, 1 year | 8972-F |
1 | Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM®-EMS) - 35 Users Online, 1 year | 8972-G |
1 | Electromechanical Systems Simulation Software (LVSIM®-EMS) - 40 Users Online, 1 year | 8972-H |
1 | SCADA for LVDAC-EMS | 8973 |
1 | Software Development Kit (SDK) | 9069-9 |
- DC Power Circuits - Courseware Sample (en)
- Introduction to Wind Power - Courseware Sample (en)
- Single-Phase AC Power Circuits - Courseware Sample (en)
- DC Power Circuits - Sell Sheet (en)
- High-Frequency Power Transformers - Courseware Sample (en)
- Introduction to Wind Power - Sell Sheet (en)
- Solar Power (Photovoltaic) - Sell Sheet (en)
- Single-Phase AC Power Circuits - Sell Sheet (en)
- Single-Phase Power Transformers - Sell Sheet (en)
- Single-Phase Power Transformers - Courseware Sample (en)
- Home Energy Production - Courseware Sample (en)
- Lead-Acid Batteries - Courseware Sample (en)
- Solar Power - Courseware Sample (en)
- DC Power Electronics - Courseware Sample (en)
- Single-Phase AC Power Electronics - Courseware Sample (en)
- High-Frequency Power Transformers - Sell Sheet (en)
- Lead-Acid Batteries - Sell Sheet (en)
- DC Power Electronics - Sell Sheet (en)
- Single-Phase AC Power Electronics - Sell Sheet (en)
- Single-Phase Power Transformers - Courseware Sample (en)
- LabVolt Series - Brochure (en)